Updating Your Personal Information

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Keeping your information up-to-date is important and not just during retirement.

Changing Your Name, Address, Email, or Phone Number

Do we have your correct address, phone number, and email? We regularly reach out to members via email, so if you have added a work email to your account, you may want to give us your personal email in order to ensure you continue to get communication from ATRF when you retire or during summer breaks.

To change your name, address, email, or phone number:

  • Sign in to MyPension to make the change on our secure member portal.
  • Call 1-800-661-9582 or (780) 451-4166,
  • Fax: (780) 452-3547,
  • Email: retiredmember@atrf.com (if you’re retired) and member@atrf.com (if you’re teaching)
  • Send details of your new address to:
    • Alberta Teachers’ Retirement Fund
      500 Barnett House, 11010 142 ST NW
      Edmonton, AB  T5N 2R1
  • If you are updating your information using mail, fax, or email, ensure that you have filled out the Information Update form below.

To change your name in our records, send us a signed letter along with proof of the change (such as a marriage certificate or birth certificate) to the address shown above.

Updating Your Beneficiary(ies) or Pension Partner

If you marry or have been in a common-law relationship for three or more years, please update the following information:

  • name change, if applicable,
  • change of address, if applicable,
  • your pension partner’s name and date of birth, and
  • any change in your beneficiary designation. (Remember to name someone other than your pension partner – see below for an explanation.)

What is the difference between a Pension Partner and a Beneficiary?

ATRF is required to protect the rights of a pension partner and as such your pension partner is automatically your primary beneficiary, regardless of whom you have named as a beneficiary. This means that your pension partner is first in line to receive an entitlement to your pension if you happen to predecease your pension partner before commencing pension benefits.

If you pass away without a pension partner, then your beneficiary(ies) are entitled to your pension. If you die without having named any beneficiary, any pension entitlement will be paid to your estate.

You may change your beneficiary(ies) at any time by either completing the change on MyPension or submitting a new Designating a Beneficiary Form (see below) with the name of your new beneficiary(ies). However, your beneficiary designation cannot be changed, even by a person with Power of Attorney, if you pass away. This is why it is important to ensure that your beneficiary information is always up-to-date.

Reporting a Death

It is important that the death of a member and/or pension partner be reported as soon as possible. This will ensure that you and your loved ones will not have to deal with large overpayments that may arise when a death is not reported on a timely basis.

You can report this information by contacting us via email, phone, mail, or fax.

Changing Your Banking Information

If you are receiving a monthly pension and would like to change your banking information, the quickest and easiest way is by logging in to MyPension and selecting Direct Deposit Information from the Retired Member Menu. Changes must be received by the 15th of the month to be effective for that month’s payment.

We also accept:

  • a direct deposit form from your financial institution, or
  • a “VOID” cheque.

You can return one of the above to ATRF by mail, fax, email, or securely upload the document to ATRF using the Secure Message Centre in your MyPension account.

To change your pension deposit to a non-Canadian account, please contact ATRF to request an International Electronic Payment Form for you to complete and sign with your international financial institution.

Updating Your Communication Preferences

Would you like to change how you receive your annual member statement or pension information statement? We encourage you to help us save some trees by going paperless with all your ATRF communication.

To make that change, log in to your MyPension account and click on communication preferences in the member menu to choose which documents you’d like to receive digitally. You can also watch the video below for specific instructions.

Removing a Pension Partner

Pensions are considered family property and may be shared as the result of a Family Property Order if relationship breakdown occurs. As such, ATRF may require additional information before you can remove a previously named pension partner.

Note that prior to January 1, 2020, Family Property Orders were known as Matrimonial Property Orders and were only available to married couples who were separated or divorced. Common-law couples whose relationship ended on or after January 1, 2020 are eligible to obtain a Family Property Order to divide a member’s benefit entitlement in the plans.