Planning Your Retirement
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Retirement is a personal choice that only you can make, but we can help. The following pages contain information that will assist you in making an informed decision.
Pension Eligibility and Formula
Your pension at retirement is determined by a formula that uses your pensionable service and the average of your pensionable salary in the five consecutive years of pensionable service when your pensionable salary was highest.
Read more about how the formula works and when you will be eligible for a pension.
How to Apply for Your Pension
Once you have made the decision to retire you must apply for your pension.
Take a look at the Steps to Retirement publication to learn more about the pension application process.
What is COLA?
When you retire, cost-of-living adjustments (COLA) increase your pension annually, helping you stay ahead of inflation.
Pension Options
There are seven different pension options that you must choose from before receiving your pension. There are four single life options and three joint and survivor options.
Learn more about each option and the best option for your personal situation.
Pension Option Selection Tool
This tool is designed to complement your retirement planning and assist you in deciding which pension option is the most appropriate for your situation.
The federal government offers two other income sources that you need to apply for separately from your ATRF pension. Learn more about CPP and OAS and how they will work with your ATRF pension.
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Taxes are an important consideration whenever you’re making decisions about your pension.