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Celebrating Substitute Teachers’ Appreciation Week

Celebrating Substitute Teachers’ Appreciation Week

(March 14, 2022) Check out these resources available for substitute teachers.
Celebrating International Women’s Day

Celebrating International Women’s Day

(March 8, 2022) This year we honour prominent female figures in Alberta’s edu...
Comment on ATRF’s Exposure to Russian Financial Assets

Comment on ATRF’s Exposure to Russian Financial Assets

(Mar 2, 2022) Since the Russian invasion of Ukraine, ATRF has received inquir...
ATRF Investment Returns: Success Through Transition

ATRF Investment Returns: Success Through Transition

(Jan 8, 2022) 2020-21 was a tumultuous year at ATRF, so we are especially ple...
The 2020-21 ATRF Annual Report is Now Available!

The 2020-21 ATRF Annual Report is Now Available!

(January 28, 2022) The past year at ATRF was another memorable one.
Understanding How COLA Will Affect Your 2022 Pension

Understanding How COLA Will Affect Your 2022 Pension

(Jan 19, 2022) COLA updates come out every January...
New Webinars for a New Year

New Webinars for a New Year

(Jan 10, 2022) Get helpful info on your pension at one of our free, online we...
Season’s greetings to our members, employers, and plan sponsors!

Season’s greetings to our members, employers, and plan sponsors!

(Dec 20, 2021) Seasons greetings and warm holiday wishes from all of us at AT...
Newsletters Now Available

Newsletters Now Available

(Dec 12, 2021) The Pension Points and Pension Update newsletters are now avai...