Pension Points December 2022
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Message from the CEO

As the holiday break grows closer, I wanted to take this opportunity to thank our plan members and school boards for another excellent year working in partnership with you.
While it may seem like a lifetime ago, it was just this past spring when we re-opened our doors to the public and resumed in-person appointments.
Retirement Transition Programs
If you are actively teaching and thinking about applying for your pension, then returning to teach under a new contract, there are some things you need to keep in mind.
How YMPE and Maximum Pensionable Salary Impact your Contributions
Every January 1, the Year’s Maximum Pensionable Earnings (YMPE) changes, impacting the amount you contribute to the teachers’ pension plans.
The YMPE is an amount set annually by the federal government to establish the maximum earnings that participants of the Canada Pension Plan (CPP) or Quebec Pension Plan (QPP) must contribute.
Digital Tools for Document Sharing
Do you have a document that you need to share with ATRF? Right now, there are a few different ways that you can safely and securely send us information. If you are sending us information using email, please ensure that the quality of the image that you are sending is high. If you’re using your smartphone to share a picture of a document, you may want to look at the size of the file. Sometimes using data enables your smartphone to automatically compress the file so it uploads quickly. This can result in an unreadable file, which means we must ask you to re-send the document.
Click below for tips on sending documentation and images to ATRF.
Behind the A's Series with ASEBP
Did you know that the Alberta School Employee Benefits Plan (ASEBP) offers medical benefits for both teachers and retirees? Let’s try a harder question. Do you know which organization handles your health benefits application and which handles your pension application? Check out this video for the answers to these questions and more.
Teachers' Conventions
Stop by and visit us at our booth at Teachers’ Convention this year! If we miss you, you can catch up with us anytime by logging in to MyPension and scheduling a one-on-one session. ATRF will be presenting at your Teachers’ Convention this year, as well as being an exhibitor! You can find us at our booth with the green tablecloth and check your convention website for our presentation time and location. If you want to have a personalized discussion about the specifics of your pension, you can book an appointment to speak with a pension counsellor anytime throughout the year. Log in to MyPension and navigate to the MyAppointment link to book an appointment.
Check Your Member Statement Online
Annual plan member statements are mailed out every year usually between December and March based on ATRF receiving end-of-school year reports from employers. If you would rather view your statement online, you can conveniently access this information by logging in to MyPension. You can also choose to receive an electronic statement only by selecting “Join/Update Our Email List” in MyPension.
If you don’t have a MyPension account yet, it’s a super convenient way to access your pension information, including a pension calculator, member statements, and a secure messaging system where you can contact us anytime. Sign up now to access MyPension.
Closed for the Holidays
ATRF will be closed for services from December 24, 2022 through January 2, 2023, re-opening on January 3, 2023. Remember that the MyPension member portal and ATRF website are always available to our members. We wish you and your family a joyous holiday season and look forward to serving you again in 2023.
Upcoming Webinars
Do you have retirement on your mind? The following ATRF presentation is offered as a webinar, making it accessible no matter where you live.
Steps to Retirement Webinar
This 60-minute presentation is designed for teachers that are planning to retire during the current year or within the next few years. It provides detailed information about the Steps to Retirement application process, pension options, and required forms. Registration closes the day before the scheduled event.
- March 21 at 5:00 p.m.
- April 22 at 5:00 p.m.
- May 2 at 5:00 p.m.
If you cannot make any of these dates for this webinar, no problem! Did you know that your ATA local can host a pre-retirement workshop that will include a pension presentation from ATRF? Contact your local office for details. ATRF is also collaborating with the ATA by offering information sessions and workshops to help you learn about your pension no matter where you are in your retirement journey. Visit the ATA Events webpage for details and to sign up.
Hope to see you there!