About Your Pension

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We want to provide you with the resources you need when you retire, including understanding how to read your pension information statements, pension deposit dates, and more!

Pension Deposit Dates

ATRF deposits pension payments on the third last business day of the month, except for the month of December, when the deposits are made on the second last business day prior to December 25.

Click below for a full list of dates.

Pension Deposit Dates

Pension Confirmation Letters

Each year ATRF conducts a review to confirm that pensions are being paid appropriately to eligible retired teachers and/or their nominee. As the plan administrator and trustee, ATRF undertakes this process as part of our ongoing efforts to protect the assets of the plan for all members. Sending out confirmation letters helps us make sure the right pensions are paid to the intended recipient.

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Pension Information Statements

Your Pension Information Statement is a one-page document that describes your current pension status. Pension recipients registered for MyPension can choose to view their statement online at the end of December each year.

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