New Teacher Resources
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As a new teacher, you’re embarking on an exciting journey—one that involves shaping young minds, inspiring future leaders, and making a lasting impact.
Guidance for New Teachers
Only have a few minutes to spare? Follow the steps below to get started on your pension learning path.
1. Watch the following videos:
- Welcome to the Plans: A brief introduction to ATRF, our role in your retirement, and the services we provide.
- Overview of the Plans: An overview of the defined benefit plans that ATRF administers, including the calculation formula, eligibility rules, cost-of-living adjustments, and some of the tools available to members.
2. Create your MyPension account using a personal email address:
- Watch the How to Register for MyPension video that explains the steps required to set up your account.
- Get access to a wide variety of tools through your MyPension account, ATRF’s secure member portal.
3. Attend an upcoming Your Pension Essentials presentation:
- This presentation is designed specifically for teachers that recently joined the plan. It provides a general overview of the plan, including information about pension contributions, maintaining your partner/beneficiary information, purchasing leaves of absences and substitute service, and transferring service with another pension plan. Plan to attend at your teachers’ convention or contact us to find out when it will be presented.
4. Look into transferring your previous pension to ATRF:
- If you were previously teaching in another province, or employed in the Alberta public sector (e.g. educational assistant) or the Federal public service (e.g. teaching in the Territories), there may be important transfer deadlines regarding your pension. Contact us before it is too late.
5. Visit the ATRF booth at the ATA Beginning Teachers’ Conference:
- If you have any questions about your pension, including any of the material suggested above, you can ask us at the conference, just look for our information booth with the green tablecloth.
Plan Member Guide
If you’re looking for even more information, ATRF provides a comprehensive Plan Member Guide for both the Teachers’ Pension Plan and the Private School Teachers’ Pension Plan. It covers topics like pension options, retirement planning, survivor benefits, and more.
Share This Information with a New Teacher
Whether you’re just settling into your teaching role or perhaps you’ve been teaching for a while, if you think this information would be helpful to your new teaching friends and colleagues, please share it!
Encourage them to explore ATRF’s resources on Together, we can build a stronger community of informed and pension-literate educators. Remember, your pension is part of your future and ATRF is here to guide you every step of the way.