Pension Update December 2021
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Did you miss this season's Pension Update newsletter? You can find all the stories right here.
CEO Message

It’s been another few months of hectic activity and ongoing change, so there are a few important items that I’d like to update you on. First of all, our staff continue to work remotely throughout this enduring pandemic.
Once it is safe to do so, we plan to open our doors to the public and members once again, and we will be sure to keep you informed when this change takes place.
2022 Cost-of-Living Adjustment (COLA)
Each January, a Cost-of-Living Allowance (COLA) is applied to your pension. The COLA is a percentage of the annual increase in the Alberta Consumer Price Index (ACPI), which changes every year. Click “read more” to see what next year’s increase will be.
Confirmation Process Update
The confirmation process is one of many ways we stay in touch with you and ensure we have updated information about you while continuing to pay your pension appropriately. This process is designed, among other reasons, to avoid overpayment issues when a retired member or their nominee passes away.
Closing for the Holidays
ATRF will be closed for services and inquiries from December 25, 2021 through January 3, 2022, re-opening on Tuesday, January 4, 2022. Our physical offices in the Alberta Teachers’ Association building are currently closed to the public, but our staff are working hard to ensure ATRF members continue to receive services during the pandemic. Remember that the MyPension online portal is always available, as well as the ATRF website. We wish you and your family a safe, healthy, and joyous holiday season and look forward to serving you again in 2022.
Introducing ATRF's New Website
This fall, ATRF launched a new website, featuring a clean aesthetic driven by our desire to make pension information easily accessible and understandable. Although our web address is staying the same (, when you arrive at our site you will see an enhanced user experience that puts members, employers, and stakeholders first.
The 2021 Annual Report is Coming Soon
We encourage you to visit our website to read the Annual Report and Highlights in January 2022. If you’d like to receive a digital version of the highlights, instead of having a copy mailed to you, then simply log in to MyPension to make this selection. On the opening page you can select Join/Update our Email list and change your mailing preferences.
Pension Information Statements are on the Way
Your Pension Information Statement will be coming to your mailbox in January 2022. For those members who have signed up to receive their statement electronically, you will be notified as soon as they are available for viewing. Sign up for access to MyPension to skip the wait and enjoy early access to your statements!
Pension Deposit Dates Now Available
ATRF continues to deposit pension payments on the third last business day of the month, except for the month of December when the deposits are made on the second last business day prior to December 25.
Get Your Tax Slip Early
Your will receive your tax slip by the end of February 2022, but did you know you could get it sooner? Register or sign in to MyPension and click on Income Tax Information Slips. Your T4A statement will be available through MyPension in early 2022.
If you prefer a paper tax slip and have not received one by early March, please contact us at and we will mail a duplicate to you. Please also make sure we have accurate contact information for you, including your address, to minimize any disruption to your member service.
Plan Member Satisfaction Remains High
A plan member survey completed in the spring shows satisfaction in our service remains high, with plan members finding value in our website, information materials, tools and services, and our online MyPension portal. The survey was emailed to 59,994 active, retired, and inactive members, and generated a very good response rate of more than 18%. View the infographic highlighting the survey results.
ATRF is Growing its Online Presence
Have you checked us out on social media yet? We want to make it easy for you to engage with us online, so we’ve expanded our social media presence. ATRF now has accounts on Facebook and Twitter, in addition to our already popular LinkedIn page.
Like and follow our content to stay in the know about your teacher pension. Our ATRF social media channels will keep you in the loop with important member information, business updates, and upcoming webinars and offerings.
Is Your Personal Information Current?
Have you had any recent life changes? Make sure to keep ATRF in the loop. If you’ve moved, returned to teaching, or changed your relationship status, let us know! It’s easy if you’ve signed up for MyPension — you can update your information online anytime.